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The Czack Law Firm

Serving Cleveland And All Of Northeast Ohio.    Call  216-696-9216

The Czack Law Firm

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Why you need a personal injury attorney in Ohio

On Behalf of | May 10, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

In 2022, The Ohio Department of Public Safety recorded 265,512 motor vehicle accidents in Ohio. Some of these accidents resulted in injuries and fatalities. You might consider filing a personal injury claim following a car accident. If you do decide to file a claim, there are several reasons why you need a personal injury attorney.

Case evaluation

Motor vehicle accidents can have several causes. And when filing a claim, you need to know the strength of your claim. An attorney will review the documentation and evidence related to your accident. The attorney can then determine if your case is strong enough to pursue.

Compile evidence

You need evidence to support your claim. A personal injury attorney can gather police reports, medical records and witness statements. The attorney can also get additional documents that support your case.

Calculate damages

Without an attorney, you’ll have no way of knowing what you’re entitled to. And the insurance company will offer to pay as little as possible. However, an attorney can calculate lost wages, pain and suffering, medical bills and other expenses related to your car accident.

Communicate with the insurance company

An attorney will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. You’re less likely to receive fair compensation if you go it alone. You need someone who understands local laws and knows what you’re legally entitled to.

Legal representation

Your claim may not make it to court. The insurance company might offer a settlement that you decide to accept. But if your case goes to court, you’ll need legal representation. An attorney can make sure your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation.

The reasons above show how you benefit from having a personal injury attorney. But if you’re undecided about filing a claim, an attorney can inform you of your legal options.